Here are images of the two programs I just finished. I don't have a good set up yet to take product pictures so the images don't really give them justice.
This has been a fairly busy summer for wedding programs. I have now designed three in the last month and a half. A friend of the McIntyre's saw their programs and contacted me about designing for them. This was super fun because I had just finished some new graphics that I thought were perfect for their programs. This is the monogram that we used. I will post pictures of the finished product soon.
I designed the third set of programs for my friend Meagan. I am so excited for her and can't wait to see her walk down the eisle. Tom and I will be making the trip out to Denver for their wedding August 16th. Here are the different monogram options I gave them. Stay tuned for the finished product to see which one they picked.
Copyright (c) 2009, Designed by Sabrina, All Rights Reserved
About Me
Sabrina Omaha, Nebraska ...................................................... I graduated from the University of Nebraska Lincoln with both my Bachelors of Science in Design and a Masters Degree in Architecture. I started designing invitations, thank you notes, and note cards for fun using many of the design programs I use for architecture. I then branched out and started helping friends and family with their invitation and design needs. Soon I had a portfolio of work that I decided to market outside my friends and family. I have had many fun and challenging projects for all types of clients and continue to build my clientale.