I said many a prayers to St. Anthony, actually I even sent myself an email with this prayer........
"St. Anthony, when you prayed, your stolen book of prayers was given back to you. Pray now for all of us who have lost things precious and dear. Pray for all who have lost faith, hope or the friendship of God. Pray for us who have lost friends or relatives by death. Pray for all who have lost peace of mind or spirit. Pray that we may be given new hope, new faith, new love. Pray that lost things, needful and helpful to us, may be returned to our keeping. Or, if we must continue in our loss, pray that we may be given Christ’s comfort and peace. Amen."For those of you who have read my previous posts you will know that I had accepted the fact that I had lost my flash drive. Well, between prayers and acceptance, it has returned. It was at home this entire time........in the washing machine. Luckily, it still works and I was able to retrieve everything I thought I had lost!! YEAH!!